Our roads should be as safe as possible. Unfortunately, preventable commercial truck accidents are far too common in Central California. While the big trucking companies have a legal obligation to operate their eighteen wheelers in a safe manner, this duty is sometimes violated. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) reports that nearly 6,100 people were hurt in commercial truck accidents in 2015 alone. This is an especially alarming figure when you consider the fact that the amount of truck accident injuries in California has increased by approximately 20 percent over the most recent five-year period for which there is comprehensive government data available.  

At Fisher & Talwar, our top-rated Visalia, CA truck accident lawyers are committed to holding negligent truck companies and their insurance providers accountable for their unsafe actions. We fight aggressively to make sure that our clients are able to recover every penny of compensation that is available to them. If you or your family member was injured in a semi-truck accident in the San Joaquin Valley of California, please do not hesitate to contact our law office for a risk-free case evaluation.

Why Do Commercial Truck Accidents Happen?

Commercial truck collisions happen for a wide variety of different reasons. While some of these wrecks are unavoidable, the overwhelming majority of trucking accidents could have been prevented with adequate safety precautions. Some of the most common reasons that truck accident occur in California include:

How to Hold the Negligent Trucking Company Liable

California is a fault-based auto insurance state. To hold another party legally responsible for your truck accident, you must be able to present compelling evidence that proves that their negligence was a factor in causing the accident. Many different parties could potentially be held liable for a semi-truck accident in California. This includes:

  • Truck drivers;
  • The trucking company;
  • The company leasing the truck or the trailer; or
  • The manufacturer of the truck or any of the truck parts.

In some cases, the trucking company may simply admit fault for your accident and accept full liability for the crash. Unfortunately, in many cases, this is not what happens. Trucking companies frequently fight back against liability. They do this by trying to push some or all of the fault onto another party, perhaps even onto the injured victim. If you were injured in a truck accident, you need to speak to a Visalia personal injury lawyer immediately after your crash. Your lawyer will be able to take action to help you get the evidence you need to prove liability and hold the company accountable.

Your Deadline to File a Legal Claim

In the state of California, commercial truck claims are generally governed by a two year statute of limitations. A personal injury lawsuit must be filed before this deadline expires. The best thing you can do to protect your rights is to act quickly after an accident. You can be sure that the trucking company will waste no time in building its legal defense. Do not fall behind: Get help from an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney immediately after your crash.

Truck Accident Victims Deserve Full Compensation

In California, personal injury damages are generally designed to be ‘compensatory’ in nature. This means that personal injury compensation must be tied to a specific ‘loss’ that was sustained by the victim. Notably, compensation can and should be made available for both monetary damages and intangible damages. Trucking firms and their insurers have considerable experience defending these types of claims. They employ a broad range of tactics and strategies to limit settlement payouts. That is their goal. Do not let them undervalue your damages. Our skilled Visalia trucking accident lawyers know how to help victims get full compensation. We can help you make a claim for:

  • Emergency room fees and ambulance costs;
  • All other medical bills and rehabilitative expenses;
  • Lost wages and diminished earning capacity;
  • Pain and suffering/Emotional distress;
  • Long term disability or permanent disfigurement; and
  • The wrongful death of a close family member.

How Our Southern California Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help

We understand just how complex the truck accident claims process can be for injured victims in California. Our Visalia tractor trailer accident lawyers carefully guide our clients through every stage of the legal process. Unfortunately, truck companies and their insurance carriers can be challenging to work with. These companies are primarily interested in protecting their profits. Our Visalia, CA truck accident lawyers know how to hold them accountable. When you hire our law firm, we will:

  • Conduct an intensive investigation of your accident;
  • Work to carefully obtain any evidence you need to win your case;
  • Help ensure that you get the best medical treatment and that your medical records are properly handled;
  • Subpoena black box data, inspection records, and other important information from the trucking companies; and
  • Skillfully negotiate with the insurance company for a full settlement offer.

We will also start preparing for personal injury litigation as soon as we take on your claim. Ideally, litigation will not be required. In many cases, our skilled truck accident lawyers in Visalia can get companies to pay out full settlement offers to injured victims. This allows victims to get their compensation much more quickly. Of course, defendants do not always cooperate. If you are not offered a full settlement, we will be ready to file a lawsuit and fight aggressively for your rights.

Were You Injured in a Commercial Truck Accident in Visalia, California?

Our legal team can help. At Fisher & Talwar, we have extensive experience handling the full range of truck accident injury claims. Our law firm is committed to protecting the legal rights and financial interests of our clients.

If you were hurt in a commercial in truck crash Visalia or in any other community within the San Joaquin Valley of California, please do not hesitate to contact our law office to request a free, no obligation review of your legal claim.